
国际新闻2年前发布 inews
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Flyability’s Elios 3 drone was used to (image courtesy of Flyability)


Flyability Elios 3无人机的成功部署,配备了用于测绘和3D建模的LiDAR传感器,标志着塞拉菲尔德有限公司无人机团队的一个重要里程碑

塞拉菲尔德无人机设备项目负责人Amanda Smith,他说:“我们很高兴Elios 3搭载激光雷达有效载荷的首次飞行取得了成功。收集到的数据现在正在CAD系统中进行处理,该系统将生成该地区的3D模型,有助于为未来的工程决策提供信息。”“将无人机送入这个狭小而未使用的空间,而不是首先派遣一名员工,可以降低风险,还可以节省时间和金钱。

”团队投入了大量工作,以确保他们为这次飞行做好了充分准备。他们可以研究一些建筑计划,并尝试为无人机制定最佳路线。塞拉菲尔德的无人机设备工程师兼首席飞行员Sam Jay补充道:“飞行可能非常激烈,在这种情况下,到处都是管道。无人机在装有传感器的笼子里飞行,所以如果它们碰巧接触到任何东西,它们就不会受损。”“最困难的部分是再次记住你的出路。在这么短的时间内,你需要快速进出。如果不把无人机拿出来,并且在无人机飞行后必须派人进入,可能会有很大的压力。”

Elios 3的特点是它的环绕式笼子:Flyability将其描述为“耐碰撞”

Sam Jay, UAV equipment engineer and chief pilot at Sellafield, added: “The flights can be very intense, and in this case, there was pipework everywhere. The drones fly in a cage with sensors, so if they do happen to touch anything, they won’t be damaged.

“The hardest part is remembering your way out again. In such a short space of time, you need to get in and out quickly. There can be a lot of pressure as not getting the drone out and having to send someone in after it would defeat the point of the flight.”

The Elios 3 is distinguished by its wrap-around cage: Flyability describes it as “collision-tolerant”.

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